
Patrick Joseph Donnelly Portstewart (formerly of Draperstown)

Funeral cortege from his home, traveling via Strand Rd, on Wednesday 17th June at 11.30am for 12 noon Requiem Mass in Star of the Sea Parish Church Portstewart allowing relatives and friends the opportunity to line the route to pay their last respects whilst maintaining social distancing.

Followed by burial in Agherton Cemetery.

Today in the Parish

Mass 9.30 a.m.
Eucharistic Adoration
10.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.

Parish Centre Today

Legion of Mary 1000
U3A Bridge (beginners) 1030 - 1230
U3A Bridge (improvers) 1130 - 1400
Innova Irish Dance 1545 - 1845
Bowling Club 1900 - 2200

Saint of the Day (Irish Calendar)