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Parish Pastoral Council

The parishpastorilParish Pastoral Council is an elected body representing our Parish community. We meet on a regular basis to discuss and plan through prayerful discern-ment pastoral issues which affect our Parish .We welcome any input or questions from parishioners.


Contact:Emer O’Keeffe 07709043921


We welcome each parishioner and visitor as part of the Body of Christ that all may feel cherished and confident to recognise and use their gifts in our community. We believe that we all share the mission of Jesus Christ and that through God all things are possible. Through Christ may we live our faith, share our faith and deepen our faith.

Minutes of meetings

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Today in the Parish

Mass 10.00 a.m.

Parish Centre Today

Innova Irish Dance 1430 – 1830

Saint of the Day (Irish Calendar)