Parish News


CACCC does vitally important work in our community enabling children, where there has been family breakdown, to have contact with a parent or family member. There has been a recent increase in demand and now 18 families, with over 20 children, are making reconnections with family members in the Centres in Coleraine and Ballycastle. CACCC needs to recruit more volunteers to maintain this vital service and ask people to consider giving one morning or afternoon a month. Training support and vetting all take place so you are well prepared. CACCC is also wishing to add to our team of Trustees who meet about 5 times a year who have some expertise in charity work and are committed to its aims and objectives. Contact Shirley McPhillimy 07706661244 or Emma 07899792948

Today in the Parish

No Mass
Virtual Cell Meeting 2.00 p.m.

Parish Centre Today

Art Class 1030 - 1230
Zumbini 1430 - 1530
Karate: Juniors 1845 - 1930
Karate: Seniors 1930 - 2045

Saint of the Day (Irish Calendar)