Parish News


Gift envelopes for 2024/25 are now available and can be collected from the Church at Mass times, or from the office during office hours only.

If you have not used envelopes before, and would like to start contributing in this way, please leave your name and contact number on the list provided. Remember that you can also support the parish through a regular standing order.

Our account details are:
Portstewart Parish
Sort Code: 95-04-28
Account number: 91011049
Please use your name as our reference.

If you want to give by cheque please make your cheque payable to: Portstewart Parish.

Gift Aid forms are also available.

Thank you for your support

Today in the Parish

Mass 7.00 p.m.

Parish Centre Today

U3A Pilates 0815 - 1145
U3A Whist 1430 - 1645
Innova Irish Dance 1615 - 1845
Bowling Club 1900 - 2100

Saint of the Day (Irish Calendar)