Parish GroupsParish Groups L - M :

Mothers’ Prayer Group

mothersMothers’ Prayers exists world-wide for women from many different denominations and cultures who wish to pray for their children and grand-children. We always pray to the Holy Spirit to guide our meetings. We pray for the children and for any parents who are experiencing difficulties. Groups of up to eight meet in the leader’s home for an hour a week.

If you are interested in being involved in a similar group please send your Registration of interest to: email us or text to 07783117077

Today in the Parish

Mass 9.30 a.m.

Parish Centre Today

Luna Yoga 0930 -1030
U3A Bridge 1400-1700
Innova Irish Dance 1715 - 2030
Art Class 1930 - 2130
Causeway Bridge 1900-2200

Saint of the Day (Irish Calendar)