Mass Recordings

Mass recordings are available on our YouTube Chanel

Other Masses
Funeral Masses/Months Minds
St Patrick’s Vigil MassSt Patrick’s Day Mass
Fr Raymond’s 25th Anniversary Mass
  Christmas Easter
Confirmation 2020 First Communion
Cell Fellowship Mass
Wedding 27th April 2019Wedding 4th May
Special Services
Consecration of Ireland Stations of the Cross (Laudato Si)
Meditation on the Mercy of Christ
Easter SaturdayEaster Vigil Masss
Easter DayMorning Mass
Holy Hour ReflectionsMaunday Thursday Good Friday

In line with the Parish’s GDRP policy funerals, weddings etc. are only recorded if requested by the family. Copies of recordings are available under certain conditions – please contact the Parish Office for more details.

The celebration of the holy sacrifice of the Mass takes place each day. The Mass is for the Catholic Christian the high point of the day since the Eucharist is the source and summit of all we do. All members of the parish are encouraged to attend the celebration of Mass as often as possible.

Today in the Parish

Mass 9.30 a.m.

Parish Centre Today

Luna Yoga 0930 -1030
U3A Bridge 1400-1700
Innova Irish Dance 1715 - 2030
Art Class 1930 - 2130
Causeway Bridge 1900-2200

Saint of the Day (Irish Calendar)