Parish GroupsParish Groups L - M :Parish News


LITTLE STARS PARENT & TODDLER GROUP will be back on Tuesday 5th September from 10 – 11.30am and every Tuesday in term time. We invite all parents and caregivers with children of pre-school age to the Parish Centre (behind Buds) for some relaxed time for both children and adults to connect with each other. We will have a warm welcome for all, lots of fun toys and activities to occupy the little ones and refreshments for both kids and adults are provided. There will be a small charge of £2 per family to cover costs. For any other information please keep an eye on our Facebook page or contact Emer on 07709043921

Today in the Parish

Mass 9.30 a.m.

Parish Centre Today

Luna Yoga 0930 -1030
U3A Bridge 1400-1700
Innova Irish Dance 1715 - 2030
Art Class 1930 - 2130
Causeway Bridge 1900-2200

Saint of the Day (Irish Calendar)