Parish GroupsParish Groups D-KParish News


Our parish youth club will be back on Friday 15th September from 6-8pm in the Parish centre for all kids 6 and over. Flame is a great place to have fun and led by our youth volunteers we offer a range of games and activities including arts and craft, baking, gardening and drama, music and prayer time. Attendance forms are available at the back of the church

We invite any young people from 14+ who are interested in becoming a Junior (14+) or Senior (16+) Leader to come along to a training and information evening on Friday 8th September at 5.30pm. Volunteering with Flame is a great way to give of your time, gain experience in working with children, build your skills, creativity and leadership, all whilst having fun. It also is a great addition to your CV and works in conjunction with John Paul II, Duke of Edinburgh and Oscar Romero awards.

To register your interest contact Emer on 07709043921, email or just come along to the Parish centre on the 8th. We also have an urgent need for volunteers 18 and above to help supervise and support our brilliant youth leaders and kids, please get in touch if you can help on even just a
monthly basis.

Today in the Parish

Mass 7.00 p.m.

Parish Centre Today

U3A Pilates 0815 - 1145
U3A Whist 1430 - 1645
Innova Irish Dance 1615 - 1845
Bowling Club 1900 - 2100

Saint of the Day (Irish Calendar)