Parish GroupsParish Groups A:

Apostolic Work Ireland


Was founded in Belfast 90 years ago with two objectives: to offer spiritual and material assistance to others, especially those on the missions.

We meet once a month and we hold regular coffee morning/sales and an annual collection. 93% of money we raise goes directly to those in need.

You can help us by your presence as an active or honorary member of our committee.

Contact:  Marian – 0287083 3467 or Susan – 0287083 3364

National website

Today in the Parish

Mass 9.30 a.m.

Parish Centre Today

Luna Yoga 0930 -1030
U3A Bridge 1400-1700
Innova Irish Dance 1715 - 2030
Art Class 1930 - 2130
Causeway Bridge 1900-2200

Saint of the Day (Irish Calendar)