Parish News


As part of our celebrations of the Jubilee year, our local family of parishes will be holding Forty Hours of Eucharistic Adoration. Organised jointly by the parishes of Coleraine, Ballymoney, Portrush and Portstewart, it will run from 7am on Thursday 3rd to 11pm on Friday 4th April at St Malachy’s Church Coleraine. The Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist will be exposed continuously for private prayer and adoration day and night. You’re welcome to call in to St. Malachy’s for prayer at any time during the forty hours and you can stay as long or as short a time as you wish. There will also be special Masses and opportunities for confession. To help organise this Forty Hours of prayer we need volunteers who will agree to be in St. Malachy’s for an hour at a time so that there is no point when the Blessed Sacrament is left unattended. If you can commit to an hour at any point during the forty hours, please contact Portstewart Parish Office on 02870832534 between 10am-3pm on a Monday, Thursday or Friday to sign up for one of the hours. This special time of prayer will bring such grace to our parishes. Come and be part of it!

Today in the Parish

9.30 a.m. Mass
Vigil 5.00 p.m.

Parish Centre Today

Innova Irish Dance 1000 – 1700

Saint of the Day (Irish Calendar)