Parish News

St Malachy’s Children’s Liturgy will be restarting on Sunday 10th March

Open to all children in P1-P7. Parental Consent Forms must be completed beforehand even if you have completed forms in the past. Forms will be available at both entrances of the Church. For safeguarding purposes, a child can only attend if they have completed one of these forms. We look to forward to seeing you all then!

Today in the Parish

Eucharistic Adoration
10.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.

Parish Centre Today

Legion of Mary 1000
U3A Bridge (beginners) 1030 - 1230
U3A Bridge (improvers) 1130 - 1400
Innova Irish Dance 1545 - 1845
Bowling Club 1900 - 2200

Saint of the Day (Irish Calendar)