Parish News

Safeguarding Sunday

Today is Safeguarding Sunday and we take the opportunity to reflect on the work that goes on all year within our parish to make it a safe and welcoming place for us all. Today is also an opportunity to recommit ourselves to maintaining and fostering a culture of Safeguarding in our parish.

In today’s Gospel story, Jesus went to meet the mother-in-law of Simon Peter who was ill. We are told that Jesus ‘took her by the hand and helped her up’. This same Jesus, as the Risen Lord, continues to reach out and lift up those in need of his healing touch. It is the mission of the Church to imitate Jesus in this ministry of healing, not least with those who have been abused and their families. In this work, we all have a vital part to play in supporting the work of Safeguarding through our prayers and our actions.

Please take a copy of Bishop Donal McKeown’s letter as you leave the Church.

For more information on the Diocesan Safeguarding initiatives, please visit:

Today in the Parish

Mass 7.00 p.m.

Parish Centre Today

U3A Pilates 0815 - 1145
U3A Whist 1430 - 1645
Innova Irish Dance 1615 - 1845
Bowling Club 1900 - 2100

Saint of the Day (Irish Calendar)